Sewer Mekelweg

Works under the pedestrian and cycle path on Mekelweg in 2021.

This work is required to repair leaks and prevent subsidence: in other words, in order to guarantee a future-proof sewer for the entire campus. The work will be carried out in four phases and will last until the end of September 2021.

Phasing schedule

Fase 1

  • 29th of March – early July
  • Stieltjesweg, junction between AS and CEG up to Berlagepad: end of March – early May
  • Berlageweg to Jaffalaan: early May – end of August

Fase 2

  • End of June – September
  • Berlageweg to Broekweg (entrance to X)

Fase 3

  • Mid August – end of September
  • Van den Broekweg to Kruithuispad

Fase 4

  • August – end of September
  • Heertjeslaan to Uytenbogaartsingel


Cyclists will be diverted via Schoemakerstraat and Leeghwaterstraat. You can find an overview of the diversions on the map below.

In line with the TU Delft Mobility Vision and the spatial development plans, initial efforts are now being made to encourage cyclists to use alternative routes. These routes are being used for the diversions. We are also looking from north to south at the places where cyclists and pedestrians meet. Suggestions for improving safety and traffic flow will be made for these junctions. This is all part of our efforts to achieve a future-proof campus: a park-like pedestrian zone where bicycles are ‘guests’.

Other work

Since the Mekelweg cycle path is being dug up in phases, we are seizing the opportunity to do other essential work, including replacing old cabling and piping (ICT), updating public lighting (LED), installing flexible ducting for glass-fibre routing (ICT) and other cables and pipelines.

For more information and inquiries:

Please contact Park Management:

More information

If you have any questions about this project or other work being carried out on the campus, please contact the Park Management team at the Campus Real Estate & Facility Management department.

To request a tour, contact