Reconstruction and redesign of Huismansingel

Huismansingel is part of the main infrastructure of the TU Delft Campus. Over the next few years, the TU Delft Campus is set to be rejuvenated and improved, as explained in the TU Delft Campus Strategy. The work is also intended to improve mobility and accessibility. The volume of traffic has risen in the past few years and is expected to continue rising in the years to come. As an important ‘pillar’ for the area development of the TU Delft Campus South, Huismansingel is in need of reconstruction and a new design.

Huismansingel as a high-quality entrance

The reconstruction and redesign of Huismansingel will improve traffic safety and the traffic flow from and to the N470 and A13. In addition, the new design will showcase Huismansingel as a high-quality entrance to the TU Delft Campus. The new design comprises the following elements:

  • Traffic safety: Space is being created to accommodate the increase in the volume of car and bike traffic. The first step will be to widen the road and create a two single-lane road. The technical condition of the roads will also be improved.
  • Traffic lay-out: The existing traffic lay-out, with two consecutive crossroads (with Molengraaffsingel and Cyclotronweg) will be reconstructed to provide a single crossroad (improving the connection with the N470/A13). This means that traffic coming from Cyclotronweg will be directed via Molengraaffsingel, and traffic coming from Uytenbogaartsingel via Watermanweg.
  • Appearance: A wide, green central reservation will separate the two lanes, with a clearly marked outer boundary formed by cycle lanes, footpaths and avenues of trees. This will add to the allure and boost the natural and ecological quality of the area.

Preliminary schedule

Design – ongoing
Start construction – Q3 2024

Sustainability goal

Circular materials will be used in the design and construction wherever possible. The foundations of the traffic lanes, for example, will consist of concrete rubble left over from buildings demolished elsewhere on the TU Delft Campus.

How will the reconstruction and redesign of Huismansingel affect me?

TU Delft is working on plans to reconstruct Huismansingel. The municipality of Delft is testing these plans, among other things, for road safety and uniformity within the municipality. The basis of these plans is a traffic study for a safe and future-proof Huismansingel. Traffic lights will soon ensure a safe traffic situation on an increasingly busy southern part of the campus. The TU will soon submit the final design and all necessary documents to the municipality. The effects of this project on nitrogen deposition must also be assessed. After approval, implementation will then start as soon as possible.

Work will take place on Huismansingel itself in autumn 2024. This includes groundwork, the construction of culverts and asphalting work for the partial re-routing of Huismansingel. Huismansingel will remain open for use at all times, but the works will cause some disruption and possible delay. More information will be made available as soon as contractors are engaged and there is a concrete schedule for the work.

More information

If you have any questions about this project or other work being carried out on the campus, please contact the Park Management team at the Campus and Real Estate department.