15 November 2023
GEW Delft

Startup vs Corporate: navigating the data-driven future

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Time: 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Location: Architecture and the Built Environment (Orange Room)
Number of participants: 150

Join us for Startup vs Corporate! 👨‍🎓👩‍💼

Discover the nuances and commonalities between startups and corporate giants in an enlightening panel discussion. Our goal is to enlighten approximately 150 students about the distinctions and similarities between these two worlds in an engaging manner.

Guided by a seasoned moderator, this event brings together two corporate representatives and two startup entrepreneurs for a spirited debate. Over a dynamic 1.5-hour session, the panel will explore a range of statements touching upon work ethics, the work environment, and the potential impact of individuals within their respective organisational landscapes. Afterwards, enjoy complimentary pizza and the opportunity to network with the attending companies.

Don’t miss this chance to gain fresh insights and perspectives, as we delve into the ever-evolving dynamics of the business world. Join us for an informative and interactive experience that promises to broaden your horizons!

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